2015 Standard of Practice and Regulatory Changes for Alberta

The 2015 AB Standard of Practice is anticipated for release in winter 2015.  Information on the changes to the Standard of Practice were presented at the AOWMA Convention in March 2015 and more recently at the Safety Codes Council Conference in early June.

Once released, those wishing to maintain their Certificate of Competency (formerly PSDS ticket), will be required to attend a one day workshop on the substantive changes to the SOP.

Changes to the Safety Codes Act under Bill 21 will provide stronger enforcement measures for the onsite wastewater industry including the ability for Safety Codes Officers and accredited municipalities to levy administrative fees or fines for code violations.

The Safety Codes Council will also be authorizing the Safety Codes Authority to ensure the quality management of permitting agencies operating in open areas in the province.  This organization will operate at arm’s length under the jurisdiction of the Safety Codes Council.


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