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July 2016

Credit Card Processing

Being a member of the Alberta Onsite Wastewater Management Association comes with many benefits, including credit card processing. If you have customers that want to pay with a major credit card, and you do not have the capability of accepting credit card payments, then let us process that payment for you. Keep that cash flow

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Website Database Update

Earlier this month, the AOWMA uploaded changes to the database that provides information to homeowners through the Locate-a-Pro listing.  Members are asked to check their listings and ensure that the information is correct and up-to-date.  Whenever an update of this magnitude takes place, there is the opportunity for error, so please contact the AOWMA office

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Changes to the Safety Codes Act Allow For Administrative Penalties for Non-Compliance

Changes to the Safety Codes Act Allow For Administrative Penalties for Non-Compliance Recent changes to the Safety Codes Act have allowed for the development of a designated authority to manage permitting and inspection in open areas in Alberta.  This means that municipal districts and counties who remain unaccredited and contract their permitting and inspection services

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Canada Post Labor Dispute

With contract negotiations ongoing, there is a high probability of an upcoming postal disruption, causing a delay in the delivery of mail from AOWMA. Any documents that we are able to email you, such as test exams and workshop certificates, will be sent digitally. Membership packages will unfortunately be delayed. If you are a new

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