Model Process for Land Development Completed

The Model Process for Land Development has now been completed and published.  The Model Process Reference Document to Guide Municipal Consideration of Subdivision and Development Using Private Sewage Treatment Systems provides a guide for the evaluation of a proposed subdivision that will rely on private sewage systems.

The implementation of the recommendations will help the Model Process meet its purpose of helping municipalities make defensible decisions on which to approve private sewage systems. It also provides assurances to developers that the approval of a wastewater system may be possible if all the criteria in the process are met. It creates a level playing field for municipalities and developers to ensure fairness to everyone. The Model provides a number of other benefits to regulators, municipalities, and homeowners to ensure long term sustainability of private sewage systems in the province that is consistent with Alberta\’s Water for Life Strategy.

The adoption of the now revised Model Process within a municipality\’s development process is very important in reducing the risk and liability for all stakeholders in the development process. For the Developer, it provides vital information required to develop a wastewater servicing strategy that can have a significant financial impact to the project. For the municipality, it can provide assurances that the servicing strategy will meet both the environmental sustainability goals and reducing the risk of having to intervene and possible incur costs on behalf of the developer and the community.

To access copies of these documents go to the AAMDC website at and enter Model Process into the search function.

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