AOWMA Annual General Meeting

The AOWMA Annual General Meeting will be held in Calgary, AB on February 26, 2016. Each year at the AGM, elections for the Board of Directors are held.

Five positions will become open for election at the 2016 AGM. Any member in good standing may have their name put forward for nomina-tion. Nominations may be faxed or emailed to the AOWMA office; nominations will also be taken from the floor during the election process.

If you or someone you know are interested in serving your onsite wastewater industry association through a position on the Board of Directors, please use the Nomination Form to submit your nomination. This is an excellent opportunity to effect positive change in the onsite wastewater industry.
Term of Office
Directors elected through this process shall follow the term limits of any duly elected Director. Specifically, those appointed shall serve for two years.
Process for Nominations
According to Bylaw Section 6.2.1, all nominees must be Corporate Members in good standing. A member, whose membership fees are due and unpaid or otherwise owes money to the Association is not in good standing.

Nominations by fax or email must be received by the AOWMA office no later than 4:30 p.m., February 10, 2016. Nominations are to be sent by e-mail to or by fax to 780-486-7414 so that they can be officially received and forwarded to the current Board of Directors. There is no limit to the number of nominations that can be brought forward.

Nomination forms are available online or by contacting the AOWMA office.

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