AOWMA Provides Presentation on Onsite Wastewater Issues to Athabasca Municipal Council

On April 14, Chic Shaw, President of the AOWMA and Lesley Desjardins, Executive Director, were invited to provide a presentation to Athabasca Municipal Council on onsite wastewater issues.

It was pointed out that the septic system is often the last consideration when building a residence, when in fact it should be a key factor at the outset of the project.

A critical issue in new developments is the lack of understanding of the importance of setting aside the appropriate space for the onsite wastewater system and to ensure the site is not compromised during development of the property.  A simple solution is to require proof that the site has been assessed and the appropriate area set aside prior to the building or development permit being issued.  Council agreed to consider this when making changes to their land use policies over the course of the year.

Discussion was also held on inconsistent design, installation, permitting and inspection practices as well as the illegal discharging of holding tanks on properties without a proper dispersal field.


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