
The Seven Steps to Create a System that Generates Cash for Your Business and Increased Customer Loyalty at a Low or even Zero Cost

Generating New /Repeat Business and Increasing Customer Loyalty is a System that you can learn and implement to produce outstanding positive cash flow and bankable results. It’s no secret that “word-of-mouth” marketing has been shown to be one of the most effective forms of advertising a business both short term and long term. This is

The Seven Steps to Create a System that Generates Cash for Your Business and Increased Customer Loyalty at a Low or even Zero Cost Read More »

Spring Webinars (Orenco)

Orenco is offering thirteen different online classes in their spring webinar series.  For registration, visit the training section of their website, which includes class descriptions, dates, and times. And don\’t forget to mark your calendar for their next \”What You Need to Know\” session, scheduled for May 16th – 19th. This 4-day, live training lasts

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What’s the Number 1 Question that many business owners are asking in today’s new “contracted” economy?

There’s more competition than ever before and many of your competitors are desperately trying to get a new customer and willing to do whatever they think it takes to get the business…and that includes cheap pricing! So here’s the Question:  “What is the most important thing I can do for my business right now to start getting

What’s the Number 1 Question that many business owners are asking in today’s new “contracted” economy? Read More »

AOWMA Trainers

The AOWMA periodically requires new trainers for the Onsite Wastewater Practitioner Training Program and ancillary programs. Currently, there is a shortage of Practical Trainers and Examiners Any AOWMA member who meets the following requirements and wishes to become part of the training team is welcome to submit their resume and qualifications to the Trainer Selection

AOWMA Trainers Read More »

Introducing Your 2016 Board of Directors

The following Board of Directors was elected to serve the membership at the Annual General Meeting held in Calgary, AB on February 26, 2016: Chic Shaw, President Daniel Morris, Vice-President Charles Hallett, Secretary-Treasurer Rick Baxter, Director David Dallaire, Director Danielle Horne, Director Kirk Miller, Director Jim Quantz, Director Angus Chu, Director Dale McLure, Past-President  

Introducing Your 2016 Board of Directors Read More »