Convention Update – December 11, 2017

Planning for the convention and trade show is coming along nicely.  This is the 20th anniversary of the Alberta Onsite Wastewater Management Association and the convention will showcase the history of our organization.  Visit the static display of the association’s timeline in the trade show hall!

The convention opens on Thursday, February 8 with a full day of presentations focused on regional, municipal and provincial policies and regulations that impact the onsite wastewater industry.

The trade show opens at 3 p.m. and runs until 9:30 p.m. During the course of the trade show, exhibitors and sponsors are invited to provide technical presentations to our delegates.  The trade show hall will be the location for the meet and greet at 5:00 p.m. Happy Hour.  Local craft beer and food pairings will be available while attendees network with our supplier and manufacturer base. Happy hour will be followed by a light supper also in the trade show hall.

During the evening on Thursday, February 8, the association will host Red Deer’s rural homeowners for a presentation of the Septic Sense program. Homeowners will then be allowed to tour the trade show, meet contractors and manufacturers and learn more about the importance of our industry.

On Friday, March 9, all members are invited to attend the Annual General Meeting breakfast.  Following the AGM, the trade show will open once again and will run until early afternoon.

Friday afternoon, the convention opens, with the President’s welcome, followed by the industry and business keynotes.  The afternoon will be rounded out by education presentations and a panel round table entitled “Ask Me Anything”.  This roundtable will allow delegates to pose questions to installers, designers, regulators, pumpers, etc.  Go ahead – ask them anything!

Saturday, February 10 opens with a secondary keynote, followed by a day of practical and educational presentations.  Participate in the workshops and hone your skill sets.

For those wishing to stay on, a design workshop will be held for a half day on Sunday, February 11.

The convention schedule continues to be developed, however the draft schedule provides a preliminary look at how the convention is being structured and will allow delegates to begin planning their attendance at convention.  Check the website regularly for updates and changes to this schedule over the next few weeks!

Below is a list of some of the presentations available at this event!

Alberta Safety Codes Authority – Permitting and Inspection in Open Areas
Certification Review Committee – Industry Enforcement
Municipal Process Development and Initiatives
New Land Application Guidelines
Alberta Capital Region Wastewater Commission Solids Management Code of Practice
Private Sewage Working Group – Changes in Standards and Technologies
Separating the Installer and Designer Designations – Industry Open Discussion

Practical & Technical:
Septic Field Restoration
Gravity or Pressure – The Right System for the Site
Building, Installing & Maintaining Grease Traps
The WSB Treatment System
Creating Your Permit Package and Homeowner Manual
Site and Soil Evaluation and Flow Assessments
Designing and Installing Drip Dispersal Systems
Design Workshop – Pressure Distribution – Pressurized System Design

Education & Research:
Managing Nitrogen in Sensitive Areas
Artificial Sweeteners in Groundwater Indicate Contamination From Septic Systems
Impacts of Onsite Wastewater Systems in Foreshore Areas
Improving Septic Tank Performance by Enhancing Aerobic Digestion
How Water Moves Through Soil – Research on Sub-surface Flow

Business Management Software for the Wastewater Industry
Garbage to Gold – Install One Free System a Year!
Strategic Planning

Public Education:
Septic Sense – Education for Homeowners


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