CSA B128.3 Water Reuse Standard

The AOWMA continues to work with the Edmonton Waste Management Centre of Excellence on a project designed to test the efficiency of the CSA B128.3 Standard for Water Reuse. The paper audit is now complete and the test pad is being constructed in anticipation of the site audit on September 15. Products that meet the CSA B128.3 Standard will be used to treat and disperse wastewater for reuse. Once the test pad is complete the AOWMA will be seeking units to be tested to the Standard to use as case studies for the audit process.

Sponsors have been sought from industry to help support this project. The AOWMA would like to thank the following sponsors:
Anderson Pumphouse
EMCO Waterworks
Alberta Wilbert Sales
Norman H. Collin & Associates
Arndt Pump & Motor
Stowell Enterprises
Pembina Concrete
Tanks-a-lot Ltd.

Sponsorship Opportunities Are Still Available

AOWMA member suppliers and manufacturers wishing to help sponsor this national initiative, should contact the AOWMA office at 877.489.7471 or email lesley@aowma.com.

What’s the benefit of sponsorship?
The CSA B128.3 Water Reuse Standard is a national safety standard. Edmonton was deliberately chosen as the location for this testing facility due to its climatic conditions, providing hot dry summers and cold dry winters. Currently there are no testing facilities in North America providing testing to this standard, providing a unique opportunity for sponsors to help pioneer this protocol.

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