Member Review – Code of Conduct

One of the key reasons for forming our industry association was to professionalize the onsite wastewater industry and raise its profile in the public eye. A new installation season is a good time to refresh ourselves on the contents of the Code of Conduct.

Each member of the AOWMA is sent a copy of the Code of Conduct in their annual membership package. Members should sign their Code of Conduct and keep it on file:

As an AOWMA member I commit to the highest standards of integrity and professionalism and will adhere to the following Code of Conduct in the interest of the onsite industry and the welfare of all Albertans.

Qualifications and skills. I will

  • Obtain the needed training and skills to perform onsite work.
  • Hold all necessary qualifications and obtain all necessary permits.
  • Only do work for which I am qualified.

Professionalism. I will

  • Follow appropriate safety procedures.
  • Ensure adequate staff, materials and support services are in place to carry through the work undertaken.
  • Know and understand all applicable codes, bylaws and laws applying to my onsite work.
  • Avoid conduct that would discredit the onsite industry.
  • Charge appropriate fees for all aspects of onsite work.
  • Not comment on the work of another unless requested to do so by the other, unless in my professional opinion I know the work to be unpermitted, in contravention of the Alberta Standard of Practice, or  to be without due consideration to the association\’s code of ethics.
  • In these instances I shall report my concerns to the association.

Responsibility. I will

  • Protect the environment to the best of my ability.
  • Engage in client and public education in the proper use and maintenance of onsite systems.
  • Convey with pride the credentials, training and experience I have.
  • Ensure clients are aware of the responsibility they undertake when they have charge of an onsite system.
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