Open Forum: Separating the Installer and Designer Designations

Alberta Municipal Affairs is considering splitting the disciplines of Onsite Wastewater Designer and Onsite Wastewater Installer.

Currently, those who successfully complete the Onsite Wastewater Practitioner Training Program may apply to Alberta Municipal Affairs for a Certificate of Competency, which allows them to apply for permits to design and install onsite wastewater systems up to 1250 gallons per day.

Under the proposed change, there would be separate training programs for Installer and Designer. Those wishing to act as Installers would complete a shorter training program focusing on that discipline with considerably increased practical application, while those wishing to act as Designers would take a more in-depth training program, with additional training in soils science, business ethics and performance-based design application.

This open forum discussion, taking place at the AOWMA Convention & Trade Show will allow the onsite wastewater community to hear about this proposal and provide their input.

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