Participate in the Business Seminar at Convention!

Rick McLennan of MACINK will provide a business keynote on the importance of strategic and succession planning on February 10, at the convention in Red Deer. Rick’s keynote will cover the following:

 “Strategic Planning…why it’s vital for every business regardless of size or length of time in operation.

  • What makes up a complete strategic plan
  • How a Strategic Plan integrates into all areas of your business
  • Why it’s vital to growth and stability
  • It’s role in succession planning (either to a child or employee(s))
  • As a view for sale to a competitor or new buyer/investor
  • How a proper Strategic Plan can give the business owner the one thing they are all short of…time

Rick will follow up his keynote with an afternoon workshop:

A deeper dive into 3 specific components of a Strategic Plan

  1. SWOT Analysis – the first step is understanding where we are now
  2. What business are you really in (not as simple as it first sounds)
  3. TEAM – who is doing what…currently and is the structure right for growth?

Take advantage of this opportunity to enhance your business skills!

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