Alberta Municipal Affairs Provides Clarification on Permits and Secondary Safety Devices

On October 20, 2023, Alberta Municipal Affairs issued the following Private Sewage STANDATAs and are available by following the links below: 

23-PSB-001 Permits required for sewage tanks. This STANDATA clarifies the requirement for a private sewage permit for the replacement of existing sewage holding tanks, septic tanks, or any other prescribed tank that requires certification.

23-PSI-001 Secondary safety devices – sewage tank access openings.  This STANDATA provides clarification on industry concerns and questions regarding the application of material requirements for sewage tanks in relation to access openings, (which are meant to be removed) over chambers with an opening greater than 200 mm in diameter, where there is a risk of accidental entry. 
To view all Private Sewage STANDATA click here.

Should you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact AOWMA’s office at 780-489-7471 or 1-877-489-7471

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