Request for Articles

The association is sourcing articles for publication in our WCOWMA family of newsletters.  Newsletters are published monthly and include information, news and events from each Western province.

Articles submitted may be on any topic relevant to our membership and stakeholder group, such as those related to wastewater, septage and the onsite wastewater industry. Article length should be between 200 to 800 words and should be research or case study based.  Relevant pictures are welcome; a photo release may be required.  Promotional articles or those that are heavily proprietorial are considered advertorial and are subject to newsletter advertising rates.  These will be identified in the publications as advertorials.

Banner and feature advertising is also now available in our newsletter – please contact the association office more information.

WCOWMA newsletters and magazines are distributed to over 5000 onsite wastewater stakeholders across Western Canada.

Articles may be submitted to  The deadline for each newsletter is the 15th of each month.  Magazine deadlines for paper print are October 15, 2015 and February 15, 2016.  Articles submitted may be published immediately or held for future publications.

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