Running For The Board (Bob Boersema)

\"\"Bob Boersema was born into the construction and agricultural industries and has worked them with a passion for more than forty years. Growing up in a construction family, Bob learned both building and excavating skills as a young man, first installing septic fields as a teenager.

Bob has run his own construction companies since 1978 and has watched as both the building industry and the excavating industry became more and more technology dependent. He took it on himself to learn computer assisted drafting (CADD) when it was in its infancy because he recognized that it was to be the wave of the future. Designing and building structures gave Bob an appreciation and understanding of many of the Codes involved in the industry, so it was a natural progression, when the 2009 SoP came out, for him to get heavily involved in the Design of wastewater treatment systems.

Bob has had the privilege of sitting as a Director on the Board of AOWMA for two terms, a learning and enjoyable time.

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