Septic Sense Program in Partnership With the Land Stewardship Centre

The AOWMA and Land Stewardship Centre completed a series of pilot presentations of the Septic Sense Public Education Program in early April.  The Septic Sense program focuses on the proper operation and maintenance of onsite wastewater systems by rural homeowners.

The program was delivered in the following Municipal Districts and Counties:  Red Deer, Clearwater, Wheatland, Leduc/Wetaskiwin, Greenview, Yellowhead and Strathcona.  The presentations were very well received both by the participating homeowners and the hosting districts.

Now that the pilot project is complete and all the data and feedback has been collated, a Steering Committee will be convened to determine next steps and build a business case for funding the program.

Representatives on the Steering Committee will be pulled from the AOWMA, Alberta Municipal Affairs, AAMDC, Alberta Environment, Alberta Agriculture, and the Land Stewardship Centre.  The focus of the Steering Committee will be to secure funding to allow for the delivery of the public education throughout the province on an annual basis.  The current target is 30 presentations per year, delivered by the AOWMA or its representative.  The AOWMA would be reimbursed for its out of pocket costs for providing the facilitator and any publications distributed.

For the past several years, the AOWMA has provided public education presentations free of charge at the request of various municipal districts and counties. Having a more formalized program would not only provide better access to the municipalities, but would ensure the cost of the program would not be completely borne by the association membership.


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