Standard of Practice Task Group

The Standard of Practice Task Group is currently reviewing the 2009 Standard of Practice for potential edits prior to the development and release of the 2014 SOP. AOWMA has several association members who participate on this Task Group. These people represent various interests within industry as well as bringing forward concerns they perceive as association members. As well as members at large, the association provides two Board representatives to this task group. Other participants on the task group represent various municipal and provincial interests.

The most recent meeting of the Task Group was held in Red Deer on April 3 & 4, 2013. Each meeting is held over two full days, during which industry groups may bring forward new products for review and possible inclusion in the standard, new research which may prove or disprove a rule in the standard, and suggestions received from industry for areas that may be of concern for one reason or another.

Members are encouraged to bring forward any ideas, questions or concerns they have with the 2009 Standard of Practice so that the association may include them for discussion at the next SOP Task Group meeting.

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