Training Available (Refresh and Review Pressure Distribution and Timed Dosing & System Design)

This two day workshop will focus on the design and installation of a pressure distributed systems including pumps and controls. Students in the classroom will utilize the results from various site and soils evaluations to design pressure distribution systems. Registrants participating in this training session will focus on the following outcomes:

Pressure Distribution

  • Basic understanding of Pressure Distribution method and able to design basic system:

o Recognize difference between pressure distribution only to head of treatment field laterals and of distribution through entire lateral length.

o Know the advantages and disadvantages of pressure distribution.

o Understand and able to determine orifice size/spacing from tables.

o Able to determine desired/required dose volume

o Understand benefits of timed interval dose volumes over demand dosing

o Calculate piping friction loss pressure head, total head and apply to piping and pump selection

o Ability to use related tables in SPM

o Recognize the effect of distribution laterals at difference elevations on effluent volumes delivered

o Know effluent filtering requirements

  • Know the basic advantages of pressure distribution and able to design basic pressure distribution lateral systems and determine pump performance requirements.

Pump Sizing

  • Know common pump types and why they would be selected.
  • Apply pump curves in selection of pump for desired volume and total pressure head.
  • Understand pressure head concepts/dynamic and total.
  • Describe function and purpose of common controls.
  • Understand types of settings commonly required for pumps: timed dosing.
  • Establish pumped volume based on pump performance and duration of timed cycle.

Know the purpose of, common types of, and requirements for effluent pump filters in SPM.

Able to select appropriate pumps, identify basic control/float configurations to deliver demand doses and timed dosing.

Dosing – Demand and Timed

  • Ability to identify and apply factors to determine adequate volume including reserve volume where required due to timed dosing or flow equalization.
  • Able to perform tank volume calculations – area to volume/know formula.
  • Ability to identify and apply factors to determine required volumes for dosage.
  • Understand concept of setting pump float switches to deliver desired effluent volume and application in timed dosing.
  • Able to calculate the required vertical distance of pump down in a dosing tank to deliver a desired volume of water.
  • Know requirements in SPM for dose tanks in a system.
  • Able to determine desired dose tank size and determine draw down elevation to deliver required dose.

We are offering this workshop in two locations:

Edmonton, AB
March 11 & 12, 2013

Calgary, AB
March 14 & 15, 2013

Don\’t miss out – register now!

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our office at 780-489-7471 or toll free 877-489-7471.

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