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AOWMA 2023 Board of Directors

Elections were held at the Annual General Meeting on Thursday, February 2, 2023 for the AOWMA\’s Board of Directors.

Shaunna Stevenett stepped down from her position of Director this year. We would like to thank her for her many contributions to the Board. Shaunna will be continuing to work with the AOWMA as she continues her work on a few of the committees.

Congratulations to Clayton Foster, President, Jim Wigmore, Director, and Arnold Groot, Director for running and being re-elected to their positions. It\’s exciting to have them back as their unique ideas and perspectives help move the AOWMA forward.

Congratulations also go out to Ryan Ramage who was elected as a new Director for a two year term. Ryan brings a passion for the industry and new ideas to the Board and we look forward to his input and the new energy he bring to the Board of Directors.

2023 AOWMA Board of Directors
President: Clayton Foster
Vice President: Ed Lemke
Secretary Treasurer: Nicole Paggett
Director: Rick Baxter
Director: Arnold Groot
Director: Tim Ierullo
Director: Ryan Ramage
Director: Mike Schmalz
Director: Jim Wigmore

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