
It\’s a New World Out There!

The provincial associations, like everyone else, are learning to adapt to the new way of doing business.  We have been on a steep learning curve with the development of webinars, virtual platforms, and safety plans, to better service our members. WCOWMA-BC recently completed a Virtual Training Maintenance Provider program with attendees from BC, Alberta and

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Share Your Knowledge

The association is sourcing articles for publication in our WCOWMA family of newsletters, and our printed magazine. Newsletters are published monthly, and magazines are published twice per year. Both include information, news and events from each Western province. Articles submitted may be on any topic relevant to our membership and stakeholder group, such as those

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Resources To Help You Operate During The COVID-19 Situation

The Association office has been getting feedback from our contractor community that access to hand sanitizer, medical grade gloves and N95 masks is becoming more and more difficult. Social distancing is also lending some challenges when needing to refuel and keep equipment running. Below is a list of companies that provide the safety equipment needed

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