NAWT Operation and Maintenance Certification Program Available at Convention

 The AOWMA has arranged with the National Association of Waste Transporters (NAWT) in the United States to provide their Operation and Maintenance Certification Program available for delegates at convention as part of AOWMA’s continuing education training initiative. Delegates to the convention can choose to participate in either part or all of the training program.

This training program is nationally recognized and those who successfully complete the entire program may choose to apply for formal NAWT Certification and a listing on NAWT’s website.

The Operation and Maintenance training program was developed by Jim Anderson and Dave Gustafson of the University of Minnesota. Dave and Jim are familiar to AOWMA members as key contributors to much of the current training available across North America on onsite wastewater management. Dave and Jim have presented at previous conventions hosted by the AOWMA and are a welcome addition to the convention program.

The Operation and Maintenance Certification program is comprised of the following convention sessions:

 Introduction Definition of Terms and the Plan, the Site Visit, Safety First & Math Refresher

 Septic Tank Operation & Maintenance

 Gravity Soil Treatment System Operation & Maintenance

 Operation and Maintenance of Pumping Systems, Controls, Timers

 Operation and Maintenance of Low Pressure Pipes

 Assign & Discuss Homework Assignment

 Homework Review

 Operation & Maintenance of Aerobic Treatment Units

 Operation & Maintenance of Media Filters

 Operation & Maintenance of Drip Irrigation Filters

 Operation & Maintenance Exam

1 thought on “NAWT Operation and Maintenance Certification Program Available at Convention”

  1. Pingback: Registration for NAWT Operation & Maintenance Certification Program – Alberta Onsite Wastewater Management Association

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